
Sunday, 22 December 2013

On the 4th Day of Christmas A Special Gift For You!

We all know that this season brings so much stress...Darn Christmas! Although we all love Christmas to bits with all the decorating and the treats and gift giving, it can a lot of times be overwhelming. I've been working overtime, and I still have another 6 days to go before I'm off. Working 8 days in a row in a bakery this time of year is a living hell ladies and gents. So tonight I decided to take a break from all the baking and hustle and bustle of the things that I still need to do and I decided to do a little something for me.

I treated myself to a spa evening. Now your probably sitting there going "Well good for you, I'm sure you can afford it with all that extra overtime your putting in...". The answer is no, I can't...but that doesn't mean I can't put together a little something at home. 

The other day my friend, in his searching came across a...lets call it a Make Your Own Natural Spa. To answer your next question, yes he is gay. We got talking about this, and I said alright, next week I am going to take 1 night and I'm going to do this for myself to de-stress and help me get through the rest of the week. 

I went to Shoppers after work and got a face mask (this is the only thing I actually bought, but there are plenty of ways to make your own! Maybe I'll do that as one blog in the near future). I already had Baking Soda, Lavender Oils and Sea Salts at home, so this made my life a little bit easier. Honestly in total I maybe spent $25, and this stuff gives you MORE than could do about 10+ spa evenings with all of it.

I ran a nice hot bath and added in actual Lavender blooms. I have my own plant which I pick and dry in the summertime, so I have plenty lying around my room. I just added however much I wanted! I love Lavender, and it does have a lot of natural remedies to them. 

Next I added in the Lavender Oils. My oils are mixed, so it was combined with a couple other oils as well. Right after that I added in 4 spoonfuls of Baking Soda, then about a cup full of Sea Salts. 

Finally lighting a couple of candles (lavender again...see I told ya I love Lavender!) and turning on some classical music to help me relax, I hopped in and applied my face mask.

Most people would just lie there off in la-la-land, but I took it as an opportunity to get in some meditating (does this surprise you?). I love to meditate, and I often don't have enough time between work and running around. So focusing on my breathing I finally got into a meditative state. I was like that for a good 1/2 hour, which is exactly what I needed.

Once I snapped out of it I cleaned off my face mask, then got a foot file and worked on my feet a bit. Boy, does that ever feel amazing after being on your feet all day! 

Now after all this, I have to say I feel totally de-stressed. From what I've read this "spa" is supposed to balance your pH levels, draws out everyday toxins from your skin and "lowers stress related hormones". 

So take time for you, it's 4 days until Christmas...You NEED it! It will definitely help you get through the next few days and you'll definitely feel amazing afterwards. 

Here's what ya need:

Lavender Essential Oils or Epsom Salts
Sea Salt
Baking Soda

and if you really want to spoil yourself add in some Lavender Blooms.

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