
Sunday, 30 March 2014


After an EPIC Pinterest fail tonight with trying to make Jello Eggs (layered flavoured Jello into the plastic colourful Easter eggs) and it ending up all over my fridge, floor and kitchen table - I cleaned up and got to work on something I know I'm good at! I decorated a cake.

I've seen a few Easter cakes on pinterest that I've quite enjoyed and though, 'what the heck I'm gonna try one' but not totally to what it looks like. As you all know I like putting my own little twist on things, so I did.

Here's what the original looks like:

And here's my cake (titled Caught!):

The only thing that did happen with this is the was a little too soft when I was doing the decorated swirls and they started to slip off the cake! Oh no!! But I think it still looks rather swell ;)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Whoo-ting Clan

Just trying to keep up to date with everything I've done. I made these guys on the weekend and haven't had time to post due to me being quite sick this week :( I'm crossing my fingers I start feeling better soon because it's not nice feeling like this.

Anyways, on Saturday I was flipping through the Cupcake book I received for Christmas from a family friend (I have decided to work through all of them this year IF I can) and trying to decide which ones to make and I came across these and just had to do them.

I was a little iffy on the cupcake batter that I ended up making. I did everything from scratch, I followed the instructions from the book to a T, but it was a very thick batter and very hard to get into the cupcake wrappers. They did taste very tasty and rich, but it was very different to what I am used to using.

I also made the icing from scratch (as I ALWAYS do), but I followed the recipe in the book this time instead of just doing my own. It was such a thick icing when I was finished that I couldn't even spread it on to the cupcakes! So back it went to the mixer with a ton more milk to the mixture. Even then it was still very thick, but easier to spread and also just as tasty as the cupcakes.

I had everything else I needed done and ready by the time the cupcakes were cool enough to ice so I was able to get started right away which was nice for a change!

So here's how they turned out. Also if you can think of a better name than what I've got up there PLEASE tell me! My mind isn't that witty when I'm sick, and all of my "creations" are going into a Cake Portfolio that I'm making so when people ask what I can do, I can show them.

Also if you are friends or family reading this and you have any cakes you want to order, please let me know! I'd love to get my portfolio growing!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day all (tomorrow)! Hope you've all had a fun weekend of partying and having that green beer. I was able to see a close friend of mine yesterday, which is very rare and we take every opportunity that we can! I also went out for a late dinner with a very close family friend, actually my mom's best friend's daughter, whom is one of my besties too (no matter that she's 10 years younger!). So it was still a late night, just no green ale for me!

Today I was able to sleep in, which was fantastic! I felt like I needed that after the long week that I've had. I did have plans to head into town to go to an Orchid show, but I ended up staying in this afternoon and making a cake. As much as I would have loved to have gone to the orchid show I was quite happy to just sit and make a cake. I think I will be joining the London Orchid Society next season anyways, and see where that goes, but for right now I have enough on my plate!

In honour of St. Patty's Day I made a cake. Don't think your typical lame cake with green and white sprinkles on it...Does that even sound like me?

I thought this was going to turn out a lot better than what it did, but it's still something. I didn't look anything up before hand...I just let my mind go with it and just had fun!

Low and behold, here is my Leprechaun


Monday, 3 March 2014

A cake for the Hell-of-it!

I apologize for not keeping up with things, there's been a lot going on. I'm catching up on things I haven't gotten to in a long time, and I'm sorting things out with everything else. The rest of the time I'm either at work, or sleeping.

Today, was a day that I had a bit of time this afternoon so I decided to make a few cakes. I decorated one and froze the other 3 so I can keep up my cake making when I have time. They are just little 4" cakes, but they do for our family.

Doing little things like this will keep me practicing and will likely help me get further with my skills being able to decorate a cake, even a small one, every so often.

I didn't do a how-to with this cake, so there are just a few pictures of the cake. I'm actually really happy with how well this cake turned out! I'm so proud of it! The only spot I had a problem with is the center spot where I cut to make it a block (you'll see what I mean).

Really happy and proud of this!