Hi Everyone,
As you've notice I haven't been posting any new cards. I have been extremely busy with working everyday and dealing with a lot of stressful things going on in my life with a friend dying just before christmas, and another friend being in the hospital right now dying of cancer, and many other things building up.
I will hopefully be starting making some more cards soon and getting them posted, although I haven't been selling to many, it seems like there are a lot of people looking at them, which is a great start. I am also going to be making some different cards, such as Wedding Invitations, baby cards, and I recently had someone give me the idea of baptisms. So I will be experimenting and needing some feedback, so please if you see them and have any, and I mean ANY suggestions, please please please leave a comment and let me know!
I am looking into more craft shows, or community sales, anything for that matter, for this year, and I am hoping that they will go a lot better than what this last year brought. If you know of any upcoming festivals in the London, ON area please message me on here and let me know!
I just wanted to write a short note to let everyone know that I haven't given up on the cards, I've just been dealing with a lot lately and there just hasn't been time.
I hope to start selling more cards, and bring you some new cards to see!
xoxo Kris